Thursday, November 17, 2016

Violeta Parra

I don't know if I can choose "the greatest" chilean of all times, but defininitely I think she is one of the most important woman of our country. She is Violeta Parra. 

She is a popular and folcloric singer of the 60's, but also she was a very recognized artist. Besides as a composer, she was painter, sculptor, embroiderer and ceramist. So, she is a very important figure of the national culture, her musical and artistic work it'
s praises an international level for many countries. She was an influence not only in Latin America, her "arpilleras" and other artistic pieces also were exhibited at the Louvre in Paris, and in Geneva, Switzerland in her time. I think her legacy it's meaningful for our chilean identity. Her work is so powerful in very ways, the contents of the lyrics and the melodies are beautiful and some of them kind of sad at the same time, it's very poetic; and on the other hand, her art is full of she in a subjective way, say a lot of how sensitive she was and also of her personal experiences (some of them very tragic) in the Chile of that moment.

If she was alive I don't know if I would ask her something in specific; actually I think that she must was that kind of person that have a lot to say and only need to be listened by other people... So I think her best voice is the one that arise in her songs and pieces of art. In that sense, I would ask her if I would hear her sing, it would be a pleasure.  

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Out of shape

When I was little, maybe I was ten years old, I joined to the basketball female team of my school. I was looking something fun to do in my afternoons, so I thought maybe basketball was a great idea. And it really was. I liked a lot this sport and the dinamic of the game, so I continued practicing untill I was sixteen years old. At first, it was very hard develop my coordination with the ball, but with practice, I must say modestly, that I become in a really good player. We went to a lot of games with others schools and championships, once we got the third place, we were very proud of us because our school it's not so big and not so good at to sports either.

I really like it play basketball, it were very energetic afternoons and we have fun playing between us. Then I have to drop it for personal issues, and since then I never have practiced again. Currently, I tried to go to the university team practice, but after so many years I feel totally out of shape haha. And it's true, even I feel very old (I know, sounds crazy) and lazy, not with the same energy. Maybe someday I will return to basketball, but today I'm looking another sport activity more light for wake up my muscles again. I was thinking about a kind of dancing, I really like it too and I think it's a very good exercise :)